Public Display of Acquisition
Business is dynamic. It will grow or move if executed with detailed and well-polished plans and decisions. Man may have been blessed with reason but he is not a machine that works and remembers details concretely when ordered to. There’s always a need for back-up; to have something to fall back on when things go down the drain. In today’s technology, gadgets and other technological innovations fill the market to aid traders and entrepreneurs in managing their fast-paced lives. In a fast-paced environment, carrying a big bulk is more of a burden than an aid. In the middle of all this arose the PDA or Personal Data Assistant; it ventured into the scene and became the basic gadget most people use with everything they do. Just as looking for a secretary requires proper selection to make the right choice, the same applies when choosing the right PDA. PDA’s constantly come out with new features. To ease the burden of finding the right one for you, here are some factors to consider in choosing your digital assistant. IS THE PRICE RIGHT? The cost matters. Getting your money’s worth is important. No entrepreneur ventures into something without knowing what he could get out of that investment. The cost of a PDA must be weighed carefully. A higher price does not equate to a better choice. Look on the inside, not the outside. Design can deceive. In finding a digital assistant, despite its striking good looks, functionality and sturdiness matter more than anything else. A digital assistant is not something to flaunt for others to admire. It’s supposed to aid you in your business and other activities. Consider the functions of a calculator, calendar, organizer, currency converter and others features required in business. KEEP IT COMPACT As an entrepreneur, you’re always on the go. You need something to assist you without bearing the load on your back----literally. It is important to carry something lightweight that can be easily stowed away when not in use. PDA’s can be kept in your pocket and you almost won’t feel their weight. THE SMOOTH OPERATOR Consider which operating system the business would require; which would best suit your lifestyle and schedule. It’s not about the brand but the software that accompanies the operating system. Palm Os is popular and known to be efficient; but if you are more familiar with Windows, it would be better to go for the Pocket PC. What matters is that your PDA can assist your every need. THE RIGHT FUNCTION Make sure that the functions you need are in the PDA you are thinking of buying. If you attend meetings or talk to people all time, you need a voice recorder or an organizer that could serve as your mobile phone, too. When you need to keep up with the world market, it is imperative that you choose a PDA with wireless technology so you can regularly check the status of the market and your business through the Internet. NEED FOR SPEED Choose a PDA that doesn’t run like a slug. There must always be an assurance that your PDA will give you service in a snap. Business delays mean less profit and slower progress. Choose a PDA that won’t become a blunder and that will point the shortcut to success. KEEPS GOING AND GOING Long hours fill the life of an entrepreneur that’s why you need a very long battery life to keep up with you. If you work long hours, your digital assistant should do so, too. If you cannot find one that could serve you well in this aspect, it is best that you have spare batteries with you all the time. DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD Consider compatibility with technology and decide whether you need a touch-screen device or, when you need to encode a lot of things, you can plug a portable keyboard to assist you better. MORE SPACE You deal with a lot of things. You keep track of far more than your mind can accommodate. Choose a PDA that would allow you more space so that you can be confident that all information you might need is within reach. ETCETERA Ask yourself if you need a wide screen. Think of the color that would suit what you do. Does it need to look sporty? Or would it be better to go for the sleek formal look? All work and no play would make your world dull. You need to consider the fun stuff, too, like games and MP3s. Let your PDA assist you further in being well-rounded. After all, your well-being matters so you can function and work well. |