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Coping with Stress
By Ern Banawa

The tasks that you have to do in your job seem endless. Even if you stay in front of your computer for days, pounding those keyboards to make reports, you cannot see the light of the day when everything will be over and done with.  Even when you’re at home, you wake up in the wee hours of the morning unwittingly worried with something.

You start to have perennial headaches. Your stomach gets upset most of the time, and you easily flare up without reasonable provocation. Sometimes, you feel dissatisfied with your work. What more is you are experience difficulty in concentrating, plus the fact that you feel flat.

It is a sure bet that you are already under stress. Your body is already giving you the signs that you have to realize this before things become worse.

To help you out get out of this difficult situation here are some stress management tips on how you can cope up with that monster stress and bring the life you once enjoyed:

 Identify the sources of your stress

- as the old adage says succinctly, knowing your enemy is already winning half of the battle. Knowing what causes your stress can help you provide mental and emotional relief. It can be your work, family, health concerns or for other reasons.

 Live a more balanced life

– you may be spending too much time on your job at the expense of your health and well-being. Regular exercise is recommended since it pumps up the chemical serotonin in our head that can give us a natural high.

 Manage your time and schedule

it may be necessary to reorganize your schedule to ease your stress. Making a “to-do” list can be a good start. Prioritize your tasks, and learn to say “no” if you can no longer carry the burden of responsibility.

 Accept support from others

– talking to someone will not lessen you as a person. If you have friends who can listen to you try it out. It will unload you of worries and just the mere fact that someone tries to understand you can make you calm.

These are just some of the basic stress management tips you can try out get you a relief. But you must understand that attitude, your view about life, has a lot to do with how you will treat the events, setbacks, and challenges that will come along your life and work. Remember that being a positive thinker is not totally inborn, it can be acquired. If you have a positive attitude towards life then it will be more bearable to you.

Another thing is the realization that you cannot control nor change everything. If you have this ingrained in your mind, then you can handle with ease any unexpected situations.

Coping with stress is simply achieved by own on finding ways to change your thinking and managing your expectations.


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