Realize that whatever you focus on, you experience - because, wherever focus goes, energy flows. If you are constantly directing focus on what you can not control, how are you going to feel?
Realize that whatever you focus on, you experience - because, wherever focus goes, energy flows. If you are constantly directing focus on what you can not control, how are you going to feel?
Worrying about circumstances outside your control will lead to unwanted stress. Just consider the physiological and emotional toll it can take on your body:
Muscle tension or pain
Chest pain
Stomach upset
Sleep problems
Lack of motivation or focus
Irritability or anger
Sadness or depression
Overeating or under-eating
Angry outbursts
Substance use and abuse
Social withdrawal
Focusing on variables beyond your control can be a drain on your time, your thoughts, your emotions and your mental clarity. Fulfilled, happy people practice conscious awareness of what’s beyond their control and don’t allow it to create stress. When an outside event affects their lives, they quickly discern “Is this something I can control? Or, is this truly something I cannot control and cannot influence?
Many of us habitually try to control the events around us. Although we can influence many events and maybe control some, the only aspects in life we have absolute control over are our emotional responses, our decisions and our actions.
Consider all the factors you cannot control, but that you can exercise influence over: the opinions of those you care about most, peers you do business with and certain events that fall within this purview. But you must be realistic about the things you absolutely cannot control, such as other people’s opinions and behavior - no matter how hard you try
EXERCISE: Whenever you find yourself feeling out of control, ask yourself:
1. How can I focus my energy on those things I can control and influence?
2. What empowering meaning can be drawn from this event? How do these meanings contribute to a life that is not only fulfilling for me, but that’s also beneficial to others?
3. What steps do I need to take to let go of the things that are causing me to experience and perpetuate stress?
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